Quaderni dell'Istituto Liszt https://limateneo.com/index.php/QIL <p>I <em>Quaderni dell’Istituto Liszt</em>, come il <strong><a href="http://americanlisztsociety.net/journal.php" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"><em>Journal of the American Liszt Society</em></a></strong>, il <a href="http://www.lisztsoc.org.uk/liszt-society-journal-music-section"><strong><em>Liszt Society Journal</em></strong></a> edito in Inghilterra e l’olandese <a href="https://www.lisztkring.nl/"><strong><em>Franz Liszt Kring</em></strong></a>, sono una delle pochissime riviste che prevede volumi miscellanei e monografici su temi legati alla figura e all’opera di Franz Liszt. Viene data priorità alla scoperta di documenti: lettere, manoscritti, memorie sia di Liszt, sia di coloro che gli furono vicini e che in qualche modo contribuirono alla definizione della sua poetica o alla sequenza delle sue vicende biografiche. Viene anche coltivato un aspetto del tutto ignoto alle altre pubblicazioni lisztiane, quello dell’analisi, condotta secondo i metodi più aggiornati della musicologia sistematica.</p> LIM Editrice it-IT Quaderni dell'Istituto Liszt Gli album di Sofia de’ Medici https://limateneo.com/index.php/QIL/article/view/155 <p>Albums — collections of musical autographs compiled from the first decades of the nineteenth century by members of the upper classes — are valuable sources to reconstruct the parlour music practices and the relationships interwoven within private society. Recent acquisitions by the Istituto Liszt Foundation through the an­tiques market include some musical autographs — songs and piano pieces — that were in the album of Sofia de’ Medici, daughter of Gian Giacomo, Marquis of Marignano. This paper aims to reconstruct the biography of the amateur noble musician, a composer and pianist also appreciated by Liszt during his stay in Milan. It also traces the possible framework of social, cultural and musical relations — including Donizetti, Nini, Bazzini, Verdi, Belgiojoso — that converged between the 1830s and 1840s within the private cultural space of the Marquises of Marignano.</p> <p><a href="https://www.lim.it/it/quaderni-dellistituto-liszt/6713-gli-album-di-sofia-de-medici-9788855433662.html#/1-tipo_prodotto-pdf_lim">https://www.lim.it/it/quaderni-dellistituto-liszt/6713-gli-album-di-sofia-de-medici-9788855433662.html#/1-tipo_prodotto-pdf_lim</a></p> Carlida Steffan Copyright (c) 2023 Quaderni dell'Istituto Liszt 2023-10-10 2023-10-10 23 Lettres de Pauline Viardot https://limateneo.com/index.php/QIL/article/view/156 <p>Some unpublished letters by Pauline García Viardot (1821–1910), sister of Maria Malibran and an established singer who performed in European theatres and in her private salon, have been purchased through the antiques market by the Istituto Liszt Foundation, which now holds them in its archive. The transcript and commentary of Pauline’s letters, provided here for the first time, show a dense network of contacts with the protagonists of the European artistic world. Her salon, frequented by the best society of the time, was a meeting place for the artistic, cultural and political elite, also helping to launch the career of young composers and singers. A polyglot and cosmopolitan personality, composer, organizer of musical après-midis, Pauline shared her interest in the music of the past with other composers of the time, and worked actively to save it from oblivion.</p> <p><a href="https://www.lim.it/it/quaderni-dellistituto-liszt/6714-lettres-de-pauline-viardot-9788855433662.html#/1-tipo_prodotto-pdf_lim">https://www.lim.it/it/quaderni-dellistituto-liszt/6714-lettres-de-pauline-viardot-9788855433662.html#/1-tipo_prodotto-pdf_lim</a></p> Patrick Barbier Copyright (c) 2023 Quaderni dell'Istituto Liszt 2023-10-10 2023-10-10 23 Il tardo Liszt: Historische ungarische Bildnisse, S. 205 https://limateneo.com/index.php/QIL/article/view/157 <p>This paper focuses on Franz Liszt’s late piano production. The period investigated is between 1877 and 1885, the years devoted to the episodic writing of the <em>Historische ungarische Bildnisse</em>, S. 205. Firstly, the genesis of the musical text is examined through the epistolary, contemporary contacts with publishers, copyists and the Hungarian nobility, then the cycle is analyzed from a harmonic-compositional perspective under the investigative lens of the ‘popular’ and the ‘non-Western’, in search of indigenous Hungarian national inflections together with the possible presence in the score of non-European elements of an exotic nature, specifically in the harmonic and melodic fabric.</p> <p><a href="https://www.lim.it/it/quaderni-dellistituto-liszt/6715-il-tardo-liszt-historische-ungarische-bildnisse-s-205-9788855433662.html#/1-tipo_prodotto-pdf_lim">https://www.lim.it/it/quaderni-dellistituto-liszt/6715-il-tardo-liszt-historische-ungarische-bildnisse-s-205-9788855433662.html#/1-tipo_prodotto-pdf_lim</a></p> Francesco Monti Copyright (c) 2023 Quaderni dell'Istituto Liszt 2023-10-10 2023-10-10 23 Johannes Brahms e Clara Schumann https://limateneo.com/index.php/QIL/article/view/158 <p><a href="https://www.lim.it/it/quaderni-dellistituto-liszt/6716-johannes-brahms-e-clara-schumann-9788855433662.html#/1-tipo_prodotto-pdf_lim">https://www.lim.it/it/quaderni-dellistituto-liszt/6716-johannes-brahms-e-clara-schumann-9788855433662.html#/1-tipo_prodotto-pdf_lim</a></p> Cecilia Raunisi Copyright (c) 2023 Quaderni dell'Istituto Liszt 2023-10-10 2023-10-10 23 Nel nome di Liszt https://limateneo.com/index.php/QIL/article/view/159 <p><a href="https://www.lim.it/it/quaderni-dellistituto-liszt/6717-nel-nome-di-liszt-9788855433662.html">https://www.lim.it/it/quaderni-dellistituto-liszt/6717-nel-nome-di-liszt-9788855433662.html</a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Mariateresa Storino Copyright (c) 2023 Quaderni dell'Istituto Liszt 2023-10-10 2023-10-10 23