Audiotactile spaces of interaction and tertiary neo-auratic encoding

A brief essay on music, culture and new media


  • Fabiano Araújo Costa


This work outlines the original concepts of Audiotactile Spaces of Interaction and Tertiary Neo-Auratic Encoding (NAE). Contemplating the interactional dimension of music making in the age of New Media, the notions reflected upon in this essay are grounded in the conceptual framework of Vincenzo Caporaletti’s Audiotactile Theory. General questions about musical interaction facing a transcultural problematic as well as a research panorama on musical interaction in audiotactile perspective and its rapport with 20th century media will be initially reviewed. Then, through the concepts of Primary and Secondary NAE and the idea of audiotactile spaces of interaction, we will further examine the relations between modes of interaction and the aesthetic image of musical products in the 20th century. Finally, we will look at examples of 21st century musical interaction poetics using new media, thus underlining the notion of Tertiary NAE, through which new aesthetic values of interaction are specified, considering new audiotactile spaces of interaction in the post-digital era.

